Apartmán v rezidenci Kovárna
Pec pod Sněžkou 293
542 21 Pec pod Sněžkou
tel.: +420 602 247 856
After arrival to Pec pod Sněžkou take the main road in direction of downstation of cableway to Sněžka, drive into carpark and opposite the dam on the left is Rezidence Kovárna.
In Pec pod Sněžkou you have a enough space for all your activities whole year. In winter Giant mountains offer skiing, cross country skiing , skiapinism and romantic walks. In summertime there are a lots of possibilities as cycling, walking, hiking. If you want only to relax, Pec pod Sněžkou is ideal place.
Thanks advantageous location of apartment, you can plan lots of trips. You have a chance to choose trips which entertain also your children. There are some tips.